Monday, April 12, 2010


*great fun to play outdoors, but it works in the classroom, too!

This is one of my fave. camp games ever. It's called Ship to shore and you've probably played it before if you've ever been in an elem. school gym class, or to summer camp. the idea is simple: run from one end of the class to another. It's a great way to tire kids out who have too much energy. BUT BEWARE! it really revvs up the kids, too.

I played it at the end of class before releasing them to the halls. My korean co-teacher explained the rules as I acted out the motions with the students. then I did the announcing.
you will learn your students personalities, who is a fighter, who will give up their friends to stay in the game...and so on!


RUN home (stage)
Run to school (back of the class)
nice to MEET you (2 people-shaking hands)
HELP me! (3 people. one on ground, two on each hand)
This is my friend (three people, arms crossed and shaking together)
LOOK (4 people, looking at somewhere and pointing...make them do a disco while shouting look! )
FREEZE! (students must freeze as they are, and don't move--if they move before OKAY, they are out!)
okay! (kids can stop being frozen)DON'T smile! (all the students who are "out" can try to make the kids who are still "in" laugh w/o touching them. if the "in" student laughs, they are out and must sit down)

Continue game for alotted time or until you have only a few students remaining in the game.